
Young creatives on display

November 11, 2023 BY

New ideas: Dermitt Peterson creates his artworks with the help of a 3D printer. Photo: MIRIAM LITWIN

THE work of young neurodiverse artists will be on display at the Art Gallery of Ballarat next weekend.

The Neurospace Art Display includes 40 donated artworks by neurotypical artists from Ballarat and around Australia.

The project was created by members of headspace Ballarat and has provided participants with a way to express themselves in a welcoming environment.

“For me personally it’s not just getting my art out there, but it’s to help show that just because you’re a bit different it doesn’t mean you lack creativity or the ability to reach out there and be as successful as others,” said artist Mikayla Vincent.

There will be a range of works in the exhibition including paintings, ceramics, and photography, however, artist Dermitt Peterson said the initiative is about more than just art.

“I’ve been getting more involved in the neurodivergent community and trying to meet people who do similar stuff to what I do,” he said.

“I was struggling to find people like that but now I’m starting to network with more people and I’m finding people with similar interests.”

Vincent agreed and said the final exhibition demonstrates the bonds the group has made.

“It will show how much we’ve bonded because of this interaction,” she said.

“A lot of us, like myself, came here without friends or any form of knowing how to have friends so knowing we’ve been able to do something so amazing together proves how far we’ve come as a collective.”

Members of the group said they hope the exhibition drives more future initiatives in Ballarat.

“It gives the neurodivergent community a chance to express themselves and an opportunity to do it,” said Peterson.

“There’s not really another way to do it unless you’re savvy with social media which can be a bit difficult.

“I’m thankful for headspace for giving me this opportunity.”

The display will be on Sunday 19 November from 1pm at the Art Gallery of Ballarat.