Youth-led programs recognised

November 5, 2020 BY

Sustainability champions: The Green Wardrobe clothes swap’s organisers, Jade Moran, Eloise Amirtharajah and Senesha Kumarage at the event. Photo: SUPPLIED

THE Ballarat Youth Services team is celebrating, with three projects recognised in multiple statewide awards processes.

BYS and the Centre of Multicultural Youth’s Girl Space Fundraiser Market Stall and the 2019 Ballarat Youth Council group’s Green Wardrobe clothes swap have both been nominated for a Keep Victoria Beautiful – Sustainable City Award, and are finalists in the KVB Young Legends category.

At the same time the FReeZA committee, also known as SONIKA, which works to provide opportunities for young artists and musicians, is a finalist in the Victorian Regional Achievement and Community Awards’ Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning Community Resilience Award.

Youth development officer Katja Fiedler said the Girl Space Fundraiser Market Stall, and the 2019 Ballarat Youth Council group’s Green Wardrobe clothes swap were led by young people from their inception.

“They provide a wonderful example of youth empowerment and community impact, linked with important messaging around sustainability,” she said.

“The initiatives for youth by youth both show how much young people care about environmental issues while they also take action. They show solutions how waste can be reduced in a creative and sustainable way, that doesn’t cost the world.

“We are super proud of the young people we get to work with as they lead the way with creative and innovative ideas to tackle issues they are passionate about.”

Tabitha Rickard FReeZa coordinator and youth engagement officer said the SONIKA crew have continued to run live musical gigs and workshops throughout the challenging pandemic period.

“They developed Fully Sick at Home kits to bring the content into the homes of the most disadvantaged, to lessen the gap,” she said.

“From staging a live music festival on Instagram, to DJ month November on twitch, as well as Sonika Records providing 25 young artists pro recording and music video clip opportunities to kick start their careers… they ensured local young artists are being paid in a time where most have lost their casual jobs.

“I’m so proud of my team. This year they have truly shown resilience and creatively navigated their way through a pandemic.”

Vote for SONIKA in the people’s choice category at