
Publicly engaged young women awarded

November 4, 2021 BY

Articulate, motivated, engaging: Sehnil Nawar received her award from the Zonta Club of Ballarat’s president Caroline Nolan. Photo: SUPPLIED

BALLARAT Clarendon College year 12 student Sehnil Nawar has been named the Zonta Club of Ballarat’s 2021 Young Women in Public Affairs awardee.

Sehnil is a co-coordinator of BCC’s sustainability policy, represented the school while publicly speaking at local climate rallies, and has also contributed to the College’s Reconciliation Action Plan.

Passionate about health and education in Bangladesh, her homeland, she has a goal to soon be studying medicine, and to then work with the World Health Organisation and Médecins Sans Frontières also know as Doctors Without Borders.

The Zonta Club of Ballarat’s treasurer Sharelle Knight is the chair of the YWPA sub-committee.

She said there were less award applicants in 2021, which the sub-committee attribute to COVID-19 restrictions, and the interruptions online learning has created in the lives and routines of young people.

“We had two applicants who are both articulate, motivated and engaging young women,” she said.

“Our judging panel this year included our president Caroline Nolan, Robyn Reeves and Cr Tracey Hargreaves.”

An international ambassador for the National Student Leadership Conference, Sehnil’s list of achievements also includes attending the World’s Scholar’s Cup in Vietnam four years ago.

Fellow YWPA nominee Danielle Kirk was also recognised by the club on the night.

The Loreto College student is a competitive athlete and leader at the Ballarat Swimming Club, supporting younger swimmers from diverse cultural backgrounds in the development of their skills in the water.

Danielle is a volunteer with Eureka Mums, putting together support packs for families in need. She is also an aspiring paramedic, hoping to take a break from education in 2022 to head overseas on a community-based gap year.

Last year’s awardee Eloise Amirtharajah was guest speaker at the presentation. Eloise went on to win the Zonta District 23 Young Women in Public Affairs Award, and was one of 10 winners in the final international stage, earlier in 2021.