Huge Movember effort at Harcourts Ballarat

November 14, 2018 BY

Back: Tyson Jenkin, Alex Radford, Tim Menz, Dean Parish, Daniel Bozoski, front: Dean Mifsud, Giovanni Piazza, Peter Ludbrook, Adam Cleveland.

NOVEMBER means Movember and the men at Harcourts Ballarat are embracing the season.

The office has nine guys taking part in this year’s facial hair fundraiser with some impressive moustaches well on the way.

Movember is an initiative run by The Movember Foundation each year in November.

It aims to address and raise awareness of some of the biggest health issues faced by men including prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health and suicide prevention.

Harcourts Ballarat staff will keep people updated on how each of the boys’ mo’s are growing throughout the month via and on 30 November at 6pm people can vote on their favourite mo.

Harcourts Ballarat have also set up a Movember page which people can donate to at any time during this month via