BDBD Saturday Pennant Round 2 – Results
Linton 54 lost to Sebastopol 59
Wilson, Pearce, Hetherington, Wilson, 21; Sutherland, Topp, Carter, Gannon, 16; Landers, Herthington, Williams, Williams, 17; Beacham, Garvin, Lovell, Warner, 18; Williams, Pridham, Wilson, Grenfell, 16; Reus, Bottrell, Jones, Sargent, 25
Creswick 46 lost to Victoria 62
Taylor-Irwin, Pope, Matthews, Hedger, 15; Silbereisen, O’Loughlin, Britt, Lynch, 17; Cooper, Ohlsen, Booth, Annear, 16; Jones, Britt, Clark, Ford, 19; Booth, Antonio, Blackburn, Hepworth, 15; McGuigan, Oswin, Haynes, Clark, 26
Mt Xavier 59 defeated Webbcona 50
McKeegan, Sargent, McKeegan, Lamb, 12; Pattie, Collins, Johnson, Lange, 21; Bellingham, Henderson, Forrest, McGrath, 24; Van, der, Ploeg, Worsley, Mahoney, McArthur, 18; Forrest, Dart, Ockwell, McDonald, 23; Brown, Clarke, Steenhuis, McArthur, 11
BMS 72 defeated Buninyong 41
Vagg, Trounce, Berry, Bedggood, 25; Lee, Sergeant, Gollan, Aldred, 12; Schreenan, Dickinson, Traill, Storey, 19; Beames, McGregor, Morgan, Wilcock, 14; McLean, Urch, Bryce, Clamp, 28; Hand, McGregor, Voigt, Nicholson, 15
Learmonth 57 defeated Ballarat 55
Lennecke Moy Casey Powell 22; Annear Fothergill Stewart Lennecke 18; Mullane Powell Pym Davey 21; Cornish Stewart Fothergill Brown 15; Beechey Findlay Griffin Rowe 14; Stewart Dalgleish Wood Wood 22
Victoria 79 defeated Midlands 66
Leeson, Pyke, Chapman, Philipson, 12; Jenkins, Peoples, Durand, Considine, 15; Prenc, Hawkins, Stenning, Verlinden, 17; Denham, Bissett, Plier, Speechley, 24; Harrison, Jackson, Gorin, Haddrick, 33; Wilson, Lock, Kosloff, Lock, 11; Norman, Capuano, Capuano, Dennis, 17; North, Slocombe, Croft, Croft, 16
Smeaton 89 defeated Beaufort 68
Toose, May, Mizzeni, Briggs, 15; Carson, Carter, Wereszczuk, Wereszczuk, 29; Clohesy, Toose, Toose, McKee, 23; Cameron, Trengrove, Milenkovic, Dunn, 14; Kersley, Sewell, Perry, Pickering, 30; Anthony, Emmett, Stanaway, Quinton, 12; Leishman, McNaught, McCrum, Taylor, 21; Curtis, Quinton, Hayes, Pongho, 13
Waubra 83 defeated Central Wendouree 70
Troy, Molloy, Stepnell, Briody, 27; Kaufmann, Stevens, Wilkins, Long, 10; Moran, Clark, Cashin, Cashin, 16; Verberne, Mahony, Batters, Gutteridge, 27; Stepnell, Briody, Kennedy, Kennedy, 27; Weatherley, O’Meara, Bishop, Vincent, 12; Molloy, Coloe, Stepnell, Molloy, 13; Milardovic, Hill, Blake, Johnson, 21
Webbcona 77 lost to Bacchus Marsh 81
Bromilow, Mitchell, Van, Kessel, Young, 19; Foot, Lewis, Boratto, Russell, 18; Rimmington, Marshall, Edmends, Edwards, 27; Kamp, Auty, Kay, Bowtell, 11; Shepherd, Barton, Anderton, Gullock, 24; McAuliffe, Hawken, Davie, Hawken, 20; Frost, Grieve, Braybrook, Clarke, 7; Webster, Hewitt, Pomeroy, Sullivan, 32
Ballarat East 85 lost to City Oval 87
Voss, Kay, Wiffen, Dean, 22; Deans, Coutts, Coxall, Smith, 25; Clayson, Jarrett, Morley, Ryan, 13; Orr, Roberts, Hamilton, Morris, 33; Urquhart, Anwyl, Kay, Dean, 27; Cameron, McKenzie, Kierce, Harman, 15; Uthenwoldt, Biggin, Driscoll, Anwyl, 23; O’Farrell, Roberts, Magrath, Robinson, 14
Buninyong 86 defeated Bungaree 70
City Oval 74 lost to BMS 85
Ballarat 88 defeated Daylesford 81
Sebastopol 75 lost to Invermay 86
Ballarat North 59 lost to Clunes 90
Bacchus Marsh 95 defeated Webbcona 61
Midlands 72 lost to Creswick 76
Central Wendouree 54 lost to Sebastopol 82
Victoria 114 defeated Smeaton 53
Ballan 61 lost to Learmonth 82
Sebastopol 77 defeated Linton 65
BMS 94 defeated Buninyong 77
Webbcona 64 lost to Mt Xavier 113
City Oval 95 defeated Central Wendouree 61
Daylesford 76 defeated Victoria 63
Beaufort 61 lost to City Oval 98
Learmonth 97 defeated Smeaton 51
Bungaree 71 lost to Waubra 90
Midlands 101 defeated Creswick 68
Sebastopol 70 lost to Ballarat North 75
BMS 91 defeated Sebastopol 63
Clunes 72 lost to Ballarat 85
Central Wendouree 61 lost to Victoria 71
Invermay 106 defeated Buninyong 65
Mt Xavier 107 defeated Webbcona 43
Midlands 79 lost to BMS 83
Sebastopol 59 lost to Ballan 94
Victoria 76 defeated Linton 71
Bungaree 40 defeated Midlands 29
Ballarat 55 defeated Ballarat East 23
Ballarat North 44 defeated BMS 43
City Oval 6 32 lost to Learmonth 35
Daylesford 58 defeated City Oval 5 22