Dunnstown FNC ‘band together’

July 26, 2024 BY
Dunnstown FNC Road Safety

For road safety: Meg Cahir and Lyna Begbie. Photos: SUPPLIED

DUNNSTOWN Football Netball Club has banded together as part of TAC Road Safety Round on Saturday 20 July.

Thousands of players, coaches, and volunteers wore blue armbands over the weekend to honor lives lost on our roads.

The Dunnstown Football Netball Club joined this initiative to educate players and supporters about eliminating deaths and serious injuries on our roads.As the heart of each community, TAC called on football netball clubs to lead this movement.



Over the past month, the Dunnstown Football Netball Club has been discussing road safety and sharing messages on social media to educate their members about the importance of road safety, focusing on speeding and drink driving.



The club organised initiatives like providing a bus to and from Hepburn during TAC round to emphasize the importance of not drink driving.

The club will continue to spread this message for the rest of the season.