
Futsal young guns win silver at worlds

August 16, 2024 BY
Futsal Young Guns Silver Medal

Opening ceremony: Futsal Ballarat Vic Country Warriors 10s Squad celebrate arriving in Florida. Photos: SUPPLIED

BALLARAT Futsal Club – Vic Country Warriors 10s squad has won siver at the World Futsal Championships in Florida, USA.

The juniors represented the club and Ballarat at the tournament hosted by United Futsal USA, which featured about 450 teams from America, South America, the United Kingdom, Spain and Australia.

The Vic Country Warriors 10s beat SSA Futsal South Florida two goals to one in the semi-final, and won their silver against Alianza FC from New York who kicked five goals to the Warriors’ one.

“Our team did the club and region proud,” said Futsal Ballarat director of coaching Dermott Tebb.

“The boys have had an amazing experience and showed they could match it against some of the best in the world.


Silver medallists Dermott Tebb, Harrison Moore, Billy Greig, Mitchell Messemaker, Max Robinson, Ryan Marriott (back), Henry Rogan, Harvey Gardner, and Fletcher Stevens (front).


“We are so proud of this group. To achieve a silver medal at a World Championship event is an outstanding result for the group and tops off an amazing futsal and life experience.

“The club is delighted with this result. We are producing quality young players, and these results reflect the hard work that everyone is putting in at the club.”

The United Futsal World Futsal Championships is the biggest international futsal tournament

The event was held at Orange County Convention Centre in Orlando.