Hoop dreams can come true

February 6, 2021 BY

Going green: Western Croquet Club secretary Jenny Leviston with David, Sophie and Lucy and president Denie Etherson on the green. Photo: RUBY STALEY

IT’S hammer time at the Western Croquet Club.

Each Friday the club is hosting croquet nights from 6pm with the aim of encouraging families, groups and kids to get involved in the sport.

Western Croquet Club president Denie Etherson said the aim of the game is to get everyone involved no matter the age or capability.

“The club’s been going since 1904 and in the last 11 years it’s more than doubled its members,” she said.

“Although it seems you just hit the ball into the hoops, it’s also a strategy game and good gentle physical exercise.”

The cost for adults is $5, children $2 and families $10 and that includes a sausage sizzle, water and a night of croquet.

After a tough year last year, Ms Etherson said it’s nice to be able to get back onto the green and offer the community something fun.

“With the Friday nights, we’re hoping to get younger people and as always improve our membership,” she said.

“It’s just to have a bit of fun, we hope to get some outsiders in and some of our members will bring their families as well.

“This is a great way for people who have always wanted to play croquet or have driven past can come along and have a play.”

To book a spot, call 0409 957 310 or email [email protected].