Ballina 10B Kiri Dicker

September 10, 2024 BY



Kiri Dicker

Current occupation and background:

Community Impact Manager at the Northern Rivers Community Foundation. Twenty years’ experience on community development projects in Australia, the UK and the Indo-Pacific region.

How long in the ward community?

I’ve spent most of my life living and working in Lennox Heads.

Community involvement?

As a result of my motions and amendments, we’ve saved the Lennox Head Bus Shelter, banned balloons at outdoor events on public land, and now offer Welcome Packs for newly arrived refugees.

Guiding values or principles guide your political views and decisions?

Environmental sustainability, social justice and equality, grassroots democracy.

Are you or have you been associated with any political party or cause?

A member of the Greens for more than 10 years.

Preferential voting suggestions?

Labor. If voters prefer an independent, Phil Meehan.

Campaign budget?

Every cent we raise comes from our supporters.

Top three issues facing your ward?

Addressing the housing crisis, Planning for climate change. Protect biodiversity.