Ballina 3A Kevin Loughrey

September 10, 2024 BY



Kevin Loughrey

Current occupation and background:

Owner-builder (designed and built my present home). Thirty-two years’ military service. Owner of three companies involved in engineering, consultancy, computer systems and software development.

How long in the ward community?

Since 2017 – moved here from Sydney to be near grandchildren.

Community involvement?

President and now secretary of the Ballina Peninsula Residents Association.

Guiding values or principles?

Strong believer in free enterprise and personal freedom.

Are you or have you been associated with any political party or cause?

Firstly the National Party, then UAP, One Nation and now the Libertarian Party. These are parties that generally accord with my core beliefs.

Preferential voting suggestions?

Mayoral: Sharon Cadwallader. Ward A Councillor: Mark Paterson.

Campaign budget?

We have so far raised about $4500.

Top three issues facing your ward?

Rescind the council’s plan to achieve Net Zero by 2030. Flood mitigation. Reduce the cost of housing and rents by increasing supply.