Ballina 7A Steve McCarthy

September 10, 2024 BY



Steve McCarthy

Current occupation and background:

Sole trader, software developer

How long in the ward community?

Fifty years, student at Ballina High School

Community involvement?

Owned a family Business McCarthys Bakery in Ballina and Alstonville for 35 years. Involved with community sport, basketball, for past 25 years.

Guiding values or principles?

I base my debates around finding the common good and adding human dignity. Council should make opportunities for the community to seize, mature, develop and grow.

Are you or have you been associated with any political party or cause?

A member of the National Party for six years (2016-2021).

Preferential voting suggestions?

I am standing with NO preferences, only me.

Campaign budget?

$3,000, funded personally

Top three issues facing your ward?

Cleaner River – educating, finding funding. Opportunities for our youth – a hub of Southern Cross University or similar (IT, Arts, Design) to keep our youth here. Sporting Clubs – growing pains, more infrastructure.