Dry Dock boat launch gets a makeover

The upgrade includes the installation of a new hand launching ramp, designed to meet the needs of volunteer group Sailability, providing all-abilities sailing opportunities. Photo: SUPPLIED
RESIDENTS are invited to have their say on a proposed upgrade to the Dry Dock Road boat launching facilities, with the plan aiming to improve accessibility and accommodate a wider range of watercraft.
The project, led by Tweed Shire Council, includes several enhancements designed to benefit both the community and visitors.
Council’s Coast and Waterways Team Leader Tom Alletson said the upgrade would improve the facility’s quality and result in a more inclusive experience for the community and visitors to the Tweed.
“The waterways in the Tweed are integral to our community’s way of life, and the facilities we use to access them are well used and highly valued,” Alletson said.
The refurbishments include a new hand-launching ramp designed to meet the needs of Sailability, a volunteer organisation that meets at the site weekly to host sailing opportunities for all abilities.
Other improvements include the installation of a new floating pontoon and removal of the old timber jetty upstream of the two recently refurbished jetty and pontoon.

In addition, a new hand-launch facility for paddle craft and other small vessels will be built, and an improved fish cleaning table will be provided for launch users.
Maintenance of the boat ramp, foreshore erosion improvement, car park resurfacing, and footpath and landscaping improvements complete the upgrade.
“We know that Dry Dock Road boat ramp is an extremely busy place during peak use times, and we want users to review these plans and provide us with feedback on how they could be improved,” Alletson said.
“This upgrade will provide launching opportunities for all types of craft and better support for Sailability and their participants – a fantastic outcome for both the community and this worthy program.”
The Federal Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure program is funding the $800,000 project to improve the wellbeing of communities in regional areas with new or upgraded social infrastructure.
Residents can provide feedback on the Draft Concept Plan until Wednesday, January 29 by visiting yoursaytweed.com.au/drydockroad