"" Tweed road resealing underway - Ballina Times

Tweed road resealing underway

October 8, 2024 BY
Tweed road resealing

Council's annual road resealing program is underway with 50 kilometres of roads to be resealed. Photo: SUPPLIED

ESSENTIAL maintenance and renewal work planned across the shire as part of Tweed Shire Council’s 2024/25 road resealing program is underway.

Manager Roads and Stormwater Danny Rose said the annual program from September 2024 to February 2025 is vital to the Council’s commitment to ensuring the Tweed’s 1200-kilometre road network remains in good shape.

“This year, Council is investing $3.6 million across 50 kilometres in the road reseal program, which is part of our $22 million annual roads budget,” Mr Rose said.

“This investment helps extend the lifespan of our roads, lower long-term maintenance costs and ensure a safer network for everyone.”

Motorists are advised to drive safely and adhere to directions by on-site crews while works are underway. Photo: SUPPLIED


The resealing process of applying a hot bitumen layer and stone creates a waterproof and durable coating that withstands traffic, weather and temperature changes, which helps protect and extend the life of the bitumen.

Despite some roads appearing in good condition, selection for resealing is based on various factors including condition, age, crash history, traffic volume and other infrastructure needs like water and sewerage upgrades.

Brief traffic delays may occur due to lane closures. Road users and pedestrians should avoid resealed roads unless authorised by on-site crews. For more information and to stay updated on road resealing projects, visit tweed.nsw.gov.au/roadworks