
Veterans employment exceeds targets in NSW

August 14, 2024 BY
NSW Veteran Employment Boost

Ballina RSL sub-branch president Tony Tartaro (left) celebrating National Volunteer Week earlier this year. Photo: FACEBOOK

THE NSW Public Service has surpassed its veteran employment targets, with 773 veterans hired since October 2022, exceeding the 18-month goal of 750.

Ballina RSL sub-branch president Tony Tartaro welcomed the news.

“It’s fantastic news, anything that assists veterans transition back into the civilian world is always a bonus,” he said.

“I think if we can increase that figure that’s a great outcome for all veterans.”

In the past six months alone, 239 veterans have secured roles across various government departments, including the Department of Education, the Department of Communities and Justice, and

NSW Health.

Managed by the NSW Office for Veterans Affairs, the Veterans Employment Program aims to help former servicemembers navigate the public sector job application process.

The program is on track to secure two thousand jobs for veterans by December 2026.

Minister for Veterans David Harris said the program is assisting veterans in finding meaningful employment opportunities after their military service.

“Veterans’ skills and attributes are readily adaptable to government employment, and I am delighted to see more veterans transitioning from the ADF to public service roles,” he said.

“This program is instrumental in helping veterans enjoy a better transition from military service to civilian life, and the NSW Government gains invaluable skills, knowledge, and experience.”

Storm Masters, a veteran and now a learning and development officer at Corrective Services NSW, shared his experience transitioning into a public service role.

“Since discharging from the Australian Defence Force I have been employed with Corrective Services NSW, where I have worked in a variety of roles which include supervision of offenders, staff development, and providing specialist support for offenders and victims,” he said.

“The skills in which I have been able to transfer from my time in Defence into my career in the public service include time management, discipline, resilience, clear communication, collaboration, compliance, teamwork and problem-solving. It is great that NSW Government has a Veterans Employment Program that supports transitioning veterans to gain employment.”