
Wardell green community space in the works

September 12, 2024 BY

The first stage of the Wardell Village Centre Revitalisation project is a community green space at the end of Richmond Street. Photo: SUPPLIED

THE first stage of the Wardell Village Centre Revitalisation project is about to begin, creating a community green space at the end of Richmond Street.

The works will begin in early September and continue through to early 2025.

Ballina Shire Council’s Manager of the Project Management Office, Mr Brett Dyki said the aim was to create a vibrant, accessible and welcoming space.

“Where people can come together and build connections while also opening up new economic opportunities,” Dyki said.

“The upcoming works will transform the western end of Richmond Street into a multi-purpose space designed to enhance the area’s amenity, usability, and pedestrian accessibility.

“The area will feature new paving, seating, vegetation and electrical upgrades once complete,” he said.

The Wardell revitalisation masterplan was developed through extensive community consultation with local businesses, community groups, residents and visitors, and Ballina Council adopted the plan in November 2023.

The three focus areas will address the connection to the river, the community green space, and the streetscapes of Richmond and Sinclair Streets.

Stage one works will include a shared pedestrian-priority zone with reduced traffic speeds, a Sinclair Street pedestrian crossing, and a concrete roundabout island at the intersection of Richmond and Sinclair Streets.

New streetscape paving at the western end of Richmond Street, new street furniture and interpretative signage, protective landscaping and community-inspired art installations will revitalise the village life of Wardell’s streets.

In addition, formalised car parking on the grass surface and upgrades to drainage, lighting, and electrical systems will conclude stage one.

Traffic will be closed to traffic and pedestrians during construction, with activity from 7 am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday, and from 8 am to 1 pm on Saturdays.

The project has been jointly funded by the Ballina Shire Council and the NSW Reconstruction Authority under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).

For more information or to download the master plan, visit ballina.nsw.gov.au/Wardell-Village-Centre