Swimmer exceeds expectations in charity race

Andy Beswick after swimming 34km over nine hours at the Lennox Head Aquatic Centre. Photo: SUPPLIED.
ENDURANCE athlete Andy Beswick exceeded expectations when he completed a 34km swim to help raise money for a Northern Rivers children’s charity.
The Byron Bay resident clocked nine hours and 43 minutes when he swam 1360 laps at the Lennox Head Aquatic Centre.
The 32-year-old was hoping to achieve the feat in 11 hours with the day raising about $8500 for Our Kids.
It was a big effort considering he did most of his training in the lead-up wearing a moon boot in the water after suffering an ankle injury.
Beswick is originally from the UK and said he has always wanted to swim the English Channel with the pool swim the equivalent distance.
“I was pretty broken by the end of it,” he said.
“Hats off to anyone who swims the actual English Channel, it would be so much more difficult.
“Thanks to anyone who swam alongside me, it definitely kept me motivated.”
People from around the region were able to do laps on the day with the aquatic centre running raffles and providing support.
The team at the pool donated all its proceeds on the day and were instrumental and setting up the event.

Donations have continued to roll in with the overall goal of reaching $20,000 to purchase a video laryngoscope for Ballina Hospital.
The equipment is used when a sick child needs to be intubated and costs $19,200.
Beswick, a support worker in the region, hoped to inspire others in the region while raising money for a vital cause.
He swam 15 hours a week, while still injured from a running event at Mullumbimby, for nearly three months in preparation for the event.
Donations for the hospital equipment can still be made at swim-for-our-kids.raiselysite.com.