About: candicetandy

Posts by: candicetandy

April 3, 2019

LET YOUR TROUBLES FLOAT AWAY on a sea of tranquillity

Stiff, sore, anxious - have you heard of salt floatation therapy? Floating in salt water for therapeutic reasons is not new – travellers have made...

August 15, 2018

Chocoholics rejoice: evidence shows some health benefits

If you’re anything like me, you have a sweet-tooth. There are days I simply cannot resist the confectionary aisle at the supermarket, knowing full-well that...

April 4, 2018

Work your space – Learn to love your desk

Finally, it’s Easter and your “when-is-my-next-holiday” mindset is in full effect; 12 weeks of the year have passed and your back pain has returned....

March 21, 2018

The low down on high heels

Hands up all of my friends out there who can’t – or won’t – say no to a beautiful, but uncomfortable pair of high...