About: jamestaylor

James’ first job in journalism was at the Bendigo Advertiser, where he held a number of roles, including reporter, sub-editor and arts and features writer. He has also worked for several publications at Fairfax, including the Knox Weekly, Casey Weekly and Pakenham Weekly, and in the UK with the Berkshire Media Group. Raised in Geelong, James has been back in his hometown since 2011 and now lives in Waurn Ponds. Outside of journalism, James divides his time between barracking for the Cats, chasing his two-year-old daughter around, and posting on Twitter (@notthatjt).

Posts by: jamestaylor

August 29, 2018

VC story enthrals local pupils

SENIOR pupils from Torquay’s four primary schools were spellbound last week as they heard about the journey taken by photographer Gordon Traill and author...

August 29, 2018

Book Week returns for another chapter

HUNDREDS of primary school pupils from across the region brought their favourite story book characters to life last week through costume. Leopold Primary School’s annual...

August 29, 2018

Barwon Coast Update – August 30, 2018

BARWON HEADS TIMBER SEAWALL & PROMENADE CONSTRUCTION Who doesn’t love a stroll along the gorgeous Barwon Heads promenade? The Barwon Heads Seawall which supports the promenade is...

August 29, 2018

Landcare group welcomes waterways action

A LANDCARE group in the Otways has welcomed the state government’s push for a legally enforceable remediation plan to protect the health of waterways affected...

August 29, 2018

Labor powers up big solar panel pledge

LABOR has pledged a massive solar panel rollout program if it wins the coming state election, saying it will help Victorians save about $890...

August 29, 2018

Regional cities launch election wishlist

VICTORIA’S 10 leading regional cities met in Melbourne last week to present a policy platform to Premier Daniel Andrews and Opposition Leader Matthew Guy...

August 29, 2018

Upgrades at Burdoo Reserve officially opened

THE Grovedale Tigers Football Netball Club has received a major boost thanks to an upgrade of the sporting facilities at Burdoo Reserve that were...

August 29, 2018

North Bellarine Film Festival program announced

THE North Bellarine Film Festival 2018 program has been announced and will comprise five feature films, along with an array of short films. A special...

August 29, 2018

Final free health and wellbeing seminar next week

THE final of a series of three free health and wellbeing seminars will be presented at Ocean Grove Community Hub next week. This seminar on...

August 29, 2018

Road safety message to be spread through footy clubs

THE Transport Accident Commission has struck a new partnership with AFL Victoria, with a stronger focus on engaging the almost 250,000 people involved in...

August 29, 2018

New roads officer to lead maintenance blitz

GEELONG engineer Paul Northey has been appointed to lead Regional Roads Victoria, a new division of VicRoads to oversee a huge road maintenance blitz. Minister...

August 29, 2018

Cause for GORRT: tourism body gets strategy funding

THE state government has provided a grant to a local tourism body to help communities develop local workforces. Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford announced...

August 29, 2018

Local fireys to respond to medical emergencies

RESIDENTS in Geelong and surrounding areas will benefit from a co-responder initiative between Victoria’s fire services and Ambulance Victoria to improve cardiac arrest survival...

August 29, 2018

Letters To The Editors – August 30, 2018

Clear energy plan needed

Dear Editor, It’s about time the federal government stopped playing short-term political games with our energy bills and our nation’s emission target....

August 29, 2018

Eyeing The WEEKEND – August 30, 2018


Kick off the weekend with a play Jurassica is a story of family, migration, language and growing old. It is a heartwarming tale, told...

August 29, 2018


Riversend is a hot, dry, godforsaken country town, home to Australia’s worst mass murder. One year ago, a charming and wellloved priest mysteriously opened fire...

August 29, 2018


Award winning journalist Trent Dalton has written a novel from the heart, full of compassion, forgiveness, strangeness, violence and justice. Eli Bell doesn’t come from...

August 29, 2018

Osteopathy may help to improve your cold and flu symptoms

It is the season for respiratory issues! Coughs, colds, sinusitis, flu, pneumonia and the like. There are lots of bugs to catch and symptoms that...

August 29, 2018


There’s no doubt in my mind that our wild and windy weather of late necessitates hearty, spicy, warming food toward off the winter blues. A...

August 29, 2018

A Ninja Cats challenge

CHILDREN and parents who came to the School of Greatness at Armstrong Oval back in April will remember putting their Geelong Cats fan skills...

August 29, 2018

Agency Profile: Wayne Wrigley – Property Consultant, Fletchers Ocean Grove

A well-known local resident, Wayne has a great understanding of the local market and the opportunities it provides. A fully licensed agent committed to a...

August 29, 2018

Sunset clauses for off-the-plan contracts restricted

THE state government has moved to protect Victorians buying property off-the-plan from delay tactics used by some property developers to rip people off, with...

August 29, 2018

Victorian rental vacancy rates at record lows

THE REIV’s latest data show that Victoria’s rental vacancy rate has dropped to its lowest level of 1.8 per cent since they began collecting...

August 29, 2018

Finding financial freedom through property

WITH VIEW.COM.AU INVESTING in property can be a great way to find financial freedom later in life, this is why, according to the Australian Taxation...