Your one-stop shop

Grace Borg has been with the Hayeswinckle group for nine years and a director of the Bellarine office for the past six years.
When it comes to real estate, the decision of who you entrust can sometimes be tricky.
The team at Hayeswinckle have identified the common questions and concerns that clients raise, and in a seamless fashion have created a one stop shop tailored to the individual needs of their clients – from cleaning, styling, maintenance, and gardens to organising legal advice.
Whether you are selling your first home or your fifth, you may be a new landlord or have an existing portfolio or simply just needing tips on how to get into the market the friendly team on the Bellarine are ready to help.
Hayeswinckle is a family-run agency with six successful offices across Geelong. Our director, Grace, has been with the group for nine years and a director of the Bellarine office for the past six years.
The office underpins their success on their team philosophy, identifying that each member brings something amazing to the table and in turn we grow together and can offer 100 per cent to our clients.
Without a doubt you will always find a friendly face ready to help, Eva lights up the reception desk with her infectious smile, Carmela is a wealth of knowledge and the glue to our office, and you will have pleasant dealings with the marvellous ladies in sales: Michaela, Janet, and Emma.
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