Freedom from Neck, Head & Jaw Pain

DLF Seeds Simon Hunt announced the Tactical AGA team of Wayne Firth, Ruby Gow, and Rhianna Beacham had won their National Sales Growth Award which was presented by DLF Seeds Brad Byrnes.
Wave goodbye to neck pain, headaches and jaw pain with Spinal Plus. Peter has over 20 years of clinical expertise in treating neck pain and stiffness, temporomandibular (TMJ) disorders, as well as headache, migraine and vertigo.
Fuelled by a passion to deliver the highest quality care, Peter Biskup will provide a comprehensive assessment, help you understand what’s going on, and work with you to alleviate your pain, restore normal movement and get you back doing what you love.
“I’m amazed at how long people put up with pain,” Mr Biskup said.
“I see people who haven’t eaten steak or bitten into an apple for years due to jaw pain or locking, or others who accept that it’s inevitable to live with regular headaches.”
Peter has previously worked in Melbourne and the UK, taught post-graduate students, was physio with the Geelong Falcons and was runner-up WorkSafe practitioner of the year. For many years he ran a successful multidisciplinary clinic in Bannockburn and more recently worked at Marna Physio in Jan Juc.
Peter has a commitment to ongoing learning, and empowering patients with knowledge and the tools for long-term relief and prevention.
“Patients can expect to be heard, to be treated with care, and to be given homework!” Mr Biskup said.
“After all, exercise is medicine.”
Peter employs a variety of hands-on techniques from joint manipulation, stretches, massage and dry needling, complemented by specific home exercises to help restore function, symmetry and strength.
Bookings are available via, by calling 0478 943 243, or send an enquiry to [email protected].