Speaking up for what you want and need

February 10, 2023 BY

Elder Rights Advocacy team members for Geelong, Bellarine and the Surf Coast.

At Elder Rights Advocacy, we support you in understanding your aged care rights and receiving quality care from your service provider.

Advocacy means speaking up for what you want and need. Speaking up will help make the service better for you and others too.

Here are some simple tips to help you resolve an issue you may have with your aged care service provider.

Raise the complaint as soon as possible – this makes it easier for the issue to be resolved promptly.

Be clear about the facts – provide factual information about what occurred. It is helpful to keep a diary of specific details such as the dates and times the incidents occurred and even the names of individuals involved

Make sure your complaint goes to the right person – if the issue is minor, the nurse on duty may be able to resolve your concern immediately.

But if the issue is more complex, you may need to approach the facility manager or most senior registered nurse in charge to arrange a convenient time for you to discuss your complaint

Be clear about what to expect – provide realistic and achievable suggestions on how you would like the issue to be resolved.

Set a date to review the outcome – this allows everyone to see if the agreed action plan is working.

The advocates at Elder Rights Advocacy can provide you with information you may need to understand aged care rights, the options and potential strategies available and outcomes that you can expect.

If you are uncomfortable raising a complaint, a family member or friend can do it for you.

The professional advocates can also contact the service provider on your behalf, with your permission.

They will stand beside you and ensure your concern is heard and resolved.

Elder Rights Advocacy is free, confidential and independent of government and aged care providers, which means we are on your side.

To learn more about any of Elder Rights Advocacy’s services, head to era.asn.au or phone 1800 700 600.

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