The importance of a pre-planned funeral

December 8, 2023 BY

Pre-planning your funeral only takes an hour of your time, but has so many benefits.

Pre-planning your funeral only takes an hour of your time, but has so many benefits.

Tuckers Funeral and Bereavement Service has been invested in the Geelong and surrounding regions since 1925, starting in 1883, in Wycheproof, Victoria.

Tuckers’ office situated at 2/6 Walker Street, Torquay is a convenient space to meet for those living on the Surf Coast and surrounding areas.

It is this generational knowledge and connection with the local community that enables Tuckers to offer the highest standard of expertise and advise when considering a pre-arranged funeral plan.

Alyson Burchell is an experienced funeral director and draws on this knowledge when organising funeral plans.

“Funeral Planning has become an essential part of end-of-life planning. A well-documented, accessible funeral plan is an important document for our next of kin, they fall into the same category of Advanced Care Directives, Powers of Attorney, appointing Executors and writing a Will,” Alyson said.

Alyson and Sue are mindful that the process of thinking about ‘your own funeral’ can feel daunting, but when a funeral hasn’t been pre-outlined, it can be an overwhelming process for those left behind. Their combined experience has highlighted six top things to consider when funeral planning:

  • The first decision to make is Cremation or Burial – make sure your family know your preference
  • How do you want your life acknowledged – a Private or Public Service, Religious or not, a Service or no Service.
  • Understand the many advantages of a prepaid funeral against a funeral bond.
  • Beware of funeral insurance- it works for some, but not many.
  • Establish your prepaid funeral with a funeral director you know will offer the support your family will need.
  • Know that your monies are invested according to the requirements of prepaid legislation in Australia and is regulated by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA).

“A funeral plan starts with a conversation, this can take place at one of our offices or in the family home,” Sue said. “A good funeral plan is one which is unique and suited to the individual. Some plans are very simple, and others are detailed.”

An appointment is obligation-free and offers peace of mind to yourself knowing your loved ones will be well supported at the time of need.

Alyson is situated at Tuckers’ Torquay office at 2/6 Walker Street but is also available at Tuckers offices in Bannockburn, Geelong West, Grovedale and Lara.

For more information or to make an appointment, phone Alyson on 5221 4788 or email [email protected] or [email protected]

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