We are locals too

April 27, 2024 BY

Geelong's GMHBA Stadium was to host the closing ceremony for the 2026 Commonwealth Games before the

Country to Coast Home Care Services Director, Curt Schmeissing has spent the past three years waking up at 5.30am to take Anglesea lawns bowl champion Geoff Kendall to his dialysis appointments.

Over this time, the two men forged an incredible community connection and Mr Kendall, who was widely acclaimed within his bowls club as ‘the walking encyclopedia of bowls’, even convinced Mr Schmeissing to take up lawn bowls himself.

After Geoff passed away, his wife Kaye Kendall presented Mr Schmeissing with Geoff’s prestigious bowls uniform to thank him for his efforts.

Country to Coast Home Care Services Managing Director and Founder, Lucy Lincoln says it may not seem like much at first but to the locals who know Geoff and Kaye, it is a significant honour.

“It is a result of the true human-centred community care approach we take – we are locals too and we see that people have lived in the area for a long time so it makes sense to assist them in maintaining these interests, activities and relationships.



“At the end of the day, our work is about people and connection and making a difference in our local area,” Ms Lincoln said.

Continuing to do what brings you joy or comfort helps protect that sense of place and security which can be key factors in overall health. If you want to keep living at home, and you can, it is worth exploring your in-home care service options.

“By employing local professionals who care about the safety and health of our older generation, the team can work to reduce the effects of a fragmented aged care system – and make a real difference for people,” Ms Lincoln said.

The Country to Coast Home Care team understands how important it is to serve the older generation with respect, dignity and reverence and their primary focus is to give personalised support to each client, and their specific needs.

The local business has been appointed as an approved provider of home care packages by the Department of Health and has a strong commitment to exceptional client care, and a significant commitment to helping our locals stay comfortable and connected in their senior years.

For more information and to view a list of services and pricing, please visit ctchomecare.com.au or call 5263 1567.