Annual Women’s Luncheon a success

June 27, 2018 BY

Mary Thibou, and Ian and Kathryn Parton.

The National Council of Women of Victoria Geelong Branch (NCWC) had their 74th Annual luncheon at the Geelong Library and Heritage Centre on June 18.

The guest speaker for the afternoon was Elida Brereton, school principal and educational consultant leader who discussed the private life of a school principal.

Janice Latham from NCWC said Mrs Brereton was fantastic and covered her travels through Nepal, Bhutan, Peru, Bolivia and Paraguay.

Mrs Latham said the rehabilitation centre Foundation 61 at Mt Duneed was well promoted providing a recovery from drugs and alcohol for men since 2007 and is now ready to commence a women’s centre that will be located at Mt Duneed.

“It will also have accommodation for victims of family violence for women and children,” she said.

“The architect’s 3D promotional drawings of the accommodation centre were screened throughout the afternoon.

“Patrons donated generously to the project.”

Geelong branch National Council of Women of Victoria’s Janice Latham, pictured with Ellie Seal enjoying the afternoon that raised money for Foundation 61, a drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre in Mt Duneed.