Is that a “bad” dog? Does it need help?

November 2, 2017 BY

Misbehaving dogs: we’ve all seen them. Some of us have owned them.

Some of us have rehomed them from shelters and blamed their “bad upbringing” or previous owners for a “lack of socialisation”.

But did you know that many behaviour issues in dogs are caused by genetics, or a predisposition to anxiety?

Experiences can certainly affect the severity of the issue, but they alone do not cause it.

For us who have owned these dogs, we understand how embarrassing it can be going out in public with a dog who has a barking fit when it sees a person or another dog, how we can’t just sit at a café having a coffee with the dog resting comfortably under the table for fear that another dog may come and the dog goes into meltdown. Not what we envisaged when we got our dog!

We are familiar with the terms “mental health”, “hyperactive”, “anxiety” and “resilience” and now all of these terms can be applied to dogs too. “Naughty” and “guilty” dogs are now known to often have attention or anxiety disorders. This misunderstanding by owners, shaped by ill-informed TV shows and social media often leads to not giving the dogs what they need to help them overcome their issues. We need to teach them to be more resilient in our hectic world.

There has been a lot of research done in dog behaviour in the last few years and our vets at Bellarine Veterinary Practice are right up there with the latest techniques to diagnose what is at the heart of your dog’s issues. We can help you understand your dog’s limitations and what is going through their minds when they react the way they do.

We can then give you strategies to help overcome the issues through understanding and empowerment that will not only help you manage your dog better but also help to improve the bond between you both.

Dogs with “special needs” don’t need to be hidden away like an embarrassing secret.

At Bellarine Veterinary Practice, we are here to help to reduce anxiety in your special pet and the main side effect will be reducing your stress and anxiety about your pet’s issues.

Phone us today on 5248 2009 for an appointment. We also deal with cat anxiety too!