Barwon Heads artist recognised at NGV

April 3, 2022 BY

Lily Cockram standing beside her work 'Home sick' at the National Gallery of Victoria. Photos: SUPPLIED

ONE of the Bellarine’s own has had her artwork recognised as one of Victoria’s top 47 pieces from 2021’s VCE cohort.

Former Oberon High School student Lily Cockram described seeing her piece Home sick on display at the renowned National Gallery of Victoria as “incredible” after being selected amongst thousands of applications as a Top Arts piece.

Residing in Barwon Heads, Ms Cockram has always had a love for art and when her former high school art teacher recommended submitting her works to Top Arts as a way of getting her art on the public stage, she was a little tentative at first.

“I found out about Top Arts through my art teacher at Oberon High, where she told me this would be an awesome possibility to get my art out there in the public eye,” Ms Cockram said.

“At first, I was unsure I had a chance of getting in after seeing past years’ amazing works, but I kept hope and entered.”

Ms Cockram explained her artwork’s themes on family and isolation, uploaded images of her folio, and finally sent it off to VCAA for the selection process to begin.


‘Home sick’ by Lily Cockram

From there, her artwork was selected as the judges thought that it accurately reflected her themes and that the process shown in her art folio was consistent and clear.

“I remember scrolling through my emails one day to find I had been shortlisted,” Ms Cockram said.

“Initially I was completely shocked and in disbelief. Then, I found out the selection was from over 1300 students now narrowed down to 100.

“Although this was an achievement within itself to be recognised on such a high level, the finalists were still being chosen.

“I anxiously waited another month to then find out I had been selected for Top Arts along with 46 other amazing Victorian students.

“My childhood self screamed, and I felt so proud that after all this time, I had made it.”


Lily Cockram at the Top Arts opening night at the National Gallery of Victoria.

Ms Cockram had the chance to visit her works two weeks ago at the opening night at the NGV, a surreal experience for the up-and-coming artist.

“Seeing my work in such a formal place was incredible but also strange,” she said.

“I am so used to seeing my work up in my home but now it was in the NGV for everyone to see. It was super cool but also intimidating.”

Ms Cockram has recently started a Facebook page called LPCArt where her works are currently available for commission.

“Art will always be a huge part of my life and I’m never going to stop painting the people I love and doing art for others everywhere.”