BOOK REVIEW The Rip by Mark Brandi

March 27, 2019 BY

The new novel from the critically acclaimed, bestselling author of Wimmera.

An urban crime novel that slowly and masterfully hooks you in… then shocks with horrific crime and the  dread that the characters you care about aren’t going to make it out alive.

“It’s funny how quick it happens and without you really noticing. Anton said once that it’s like walking out into the sea and you think everything’s fine and the water’s warm, but when you turn back you’re suddenly miles from shore. I’ve never been much of a swimmer, but I get what he means. Like, being caught in a current or something. A rip.”

But the flat smells weird.

There’s a lock on Steve’s bedroom door.

And the guy is intense.

The problem is, sometimes you just don’t know you are in too deep, until you are drowning.

Hachette $29.99