Boredom Busters for dogs

Imagine being confined within your own home, without ever leaving, only seeing the same few faces day in, day out.

It would start to feel like a prison, you’d start to go a little crazy, you’d certainly get very bored.

Understandably when this happens to dogs, they try to overcome this boredom, often triggering unwanted behaviours such as digging, barking, destroying furniture, developing anxiety, and the list goes on.

It is one lucky dog who gets to travel everywhere with their owner, but clearly this can rarely be a reality.

What can we do in our busy lives to give our dogs the stimulation they deserve?

The number one activity is take them for a walk, this exercises mind and body. As a bonus it’s good for us too!

Seeing different sights, smelling different smells, meeting old and new friends is how life was meant to be.

If you can’t manage a long walk, a quick trip around the block is better than nothing at all.

If you’re headed for a surf check or school drop off, then take your dog for the drive, just to get them out of the house, and who knows, once you’re out, you may find time for that walk.

Join or organise your own dog walking group, or employ someone to help you out.

Along with getting out, playing at home activities, keep their bodies and minds active too.

There is the obvious ball fun (note – rolling the ball is better than throwing, to prevent injuries), try a big exercise ball they can push or nudge around.

Why not set up an agility course in the back yard, perhaps a tunnel, a see-saw, or a hula hoop to jump though?

For mental stimulation why not teach them some tricks, “sit and stay” or “shake”; the concentration required from this can be mentally tiring.

There are loads of tricks to teach, or why not come up with your own unique trick?

When you can’t be with them, leaving them with an independent activity like a “treat ball” can help overcome boredom in your absence.

Toys are great, but rather than leaving the same ones out daily, why not rotate them throughout the week so everyday feels like something new.

Over summer, try freezing some treats into a container then empty it out before you leave; this can occupy them for hours. Get creative or look online, the ideas are endless.

Remember your dog needs both mental and physical activity just like us, without this life would be very boring and will likely lead to undesired behaviours.

We love hearing your new ideas, so please let us know by phoning the Torquay and Surfcoast Veterinary Clinics on 5261 4137, or jump on our Facebook page “Torquay and Surfcoast Veterinary Clinics” so we can share them.