
Child immunisation rates continue to increase

November 1, 2018 BY

The national immunisation rates for five year olds was 94.62 per cent in the September quarter.

The number of Australian children who are fully immunised continues to increase to record levels, with new data showing more parents are getting the message to protect their children with life-saving vaccines.

Minister for Health Greg Hunt said immunisation had been repeatedly demonstrated to be one of the most effective interventions to prevent disease worldwide, and the federal government continues to invest in a strong vaccination program.

“The immunisation rate for five year olds in June 2013 was 91.5 per cent, meaning the immunisation rate has grown steadily to record levels since the Coalition came into Government.

“More than 96.6 per cent of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander five year olds were immunised, which is well above the national average.”

In September, the federal government announced it would invest $52 million to protect Australian teenagers against meningococcal by putting the meningococcal A, C, W and Y vaccine on the National Immunisation Program from April 2019.

“From July 1 this year, every 12-month old in the country was eligible for a free ACWY meningococcal vaccine and every expectant mother given the opportunity to vaccinate against the whopping cough with a free vaccine,” Mr Hunt said.

“The Morrison Government has invested $446.5 million the National Immunisation Program this financial year.”

Corangamite federal member Sarah Henderson said new data for the September 2018 quarter reveals the nation-wide immunisation rates for five year olds was 94.62 per cent, which is the highest figure on record and up from 94.42 per cent in the June quarter.

“Throughout Victoria immunisation rates are at 95.48 per cent.

“Parents are hearing the message about the benefits of vaccinations and I am delighted that our public health campaigns and our immunisation programs are protecting Australians.

“Immunisation saves lives and protects lives and it is important that we keep the public informed about its benefits.”