Cool cars converge in Queenscliff

February 13, 2018 BY

A massive turnout of cool cars and eager enthusiasts converged in Queenscliff at the weekend for the Geelong Street Rodders’ annual Show ‘n’ Shine.

Clear blue skies greeted rodders and punters on Sunday for an enjoyable stroll around Princess Park to check out the wide variety of chrome bumper vehicles on display. Funds raised at the gate are handed to the local Lions Club by the Geelong Street Rodders, to go back into the local community.

The Show ‘n’ Shine followed a cruise on Saturday night, which saw entrants drive down Hesse Street in their hot rods and customs. The main street was closed to allow only entrants’ vehicles to cruise, creating a spectacular parade for the thousands of spectators that were there to absorb the awesome atmosphere the night created, including a live band playing in the street.

Organisers thanked the sponsors and entrants for making this Queenscliff Rod Run one of its biggest yet.