Educating students on the challenges facing Port Phillip

June 19, 2019 BY

The “Connecting your Bay” short film project looks at litter, marine parts, nutrients and biodiversity.

Local environmental groups have come together to create a suite of free educational resources that focus on Port Phillip and the key challenges it is facing.

Streamline Media, in partnership with Geelong Sustainability, has released their “Connecting your Bay” short film project to audiences across Victoria, which looks at litter, marine parts, nutrients and biodiversity.

Partnering with more than 20 environmental groups across community, industry and government, the Streamline creative team has produced four educational films, along with lesson activities and state-of-theart virtual reality footage, which are free of charge for all Victorian schools.

The creative team hopes these resources will encourage greater understanding of the bay’s assets and threats, and influence people of all ages to share stewardship of the bay into the future.

Streamline Media director Jarrod Boord said the films’ grass roots’ focus would build stronger connections between community and partner organisations through greater awareness and appreciation, as well as stimulate on-ground action.

In addition to focusing on the science behind the issues the bay faces, Streamline’s team worked with selected environmental organisations to use the films as a platform to showcase to the Victorian community the unique and
diverse projects and initiatives that are future proofing the bay.

“It was a pleasure working with each group, and we took great pride in showcasing and acknowledging their contribution in preserving and enhancing one of Victoria’s greatest assets,” Mr Boord said.

Geelong Sustainability president Vicki Perrett said she believed it was vitally important for the community to better understand and appreciate the wonderful bay and its environmental challenges.

“Geelong Sustainability was delighted to be able to auspice Streamline Media in this creative project made possible by the Port Phillip Bay Fund,” Ms Perrett said.

“They have produced an amazing suite of quality educational resources, which we’re confident will be highly valued and utilised by schools and the public alike.

“We acknowledge the significant in-kind contribution from all project partners, especially Streamline Media and we applaud the many passionate volunteers who help protect and conserve our natural environment.”

To download the films and resources visit the webiste at streamlinemedia.