Fans will be Incredibles happy

July 4, 2018 BY

After years of waiting and much begging from fans, Incredibles 2 is finally here.

Picking up where the previous film left off, the Parr family still face the issue of “supers” being illegal and are forbidden from using their superpowers.

That is until they, along with their superpowered friend Lucius/Frozone (Samuel L. Jackson), are approached by Winston Deavor (Bob Odenkirk), a telecommunication tycoon and superhero fan.

Winston offers to help revamp the “supers” public image and make them legal again.

To do this, Helen Parr/Elastigirl (Holly Hunter) is tasked with fighting crime as a publicity stunt, whilst Bob Parr/Mr Incredible (Craig T. Nelson) is given the job of taking care of the Parr kids.

Neither of the parents’ tasks are easy. Bob must help Violet (Sarah Vowell) with her boy troubles, Dash (Huck Milner) with his homework, and deal with baby Jack-Jack (Eli Fucile) and his new assortment of powers. Meanwhile, Helen finds herself up against the Screenslaver, a new and mysterious villain who can control people through screens.

Considering it has been about 14 years since the first Incredibles, its sequel was certainly no disappointment.

With the multitude of superhero films that have been released in recent years, Incredibles 2 was able to make itself stand out thanks to its focus on the Parrs’ family dynamics.

The plot was engaging for a family film and the animation was excellent, especially for the fight scenes.

The humour was a highlight throughout, particularly in scenes involving Jack-Jack’s powers.

My one complaint relates to Bob’s character at the movie’s beginning.

He comes off as a jerk here and seems to have lost any character development from the first movie.

Gratefully, this doesn’t last long and he becomes better.

Overall, worthy of a trip to the cinema these school holidays.