Forensic Accounting Group celebrates 50 years in public and forensic accounting

July 7, 2023 BY

The forensic accounting practice, situated at 16 Gilbert Street, Torquay has expanded rapidly over the past five years.

Anthony Cerantonio, FCPA, founder and managing partner of Forensic Accounting Group, has celebrated 50 years in public and forensic accounting.

During this period, he has established and operated a multitude of successful businesses in media, entertainment, not-for-profit organisations, and hospitality including the Great Ocean Road Resort in Anglesea.

Anthony has served on the Victorian Dairy Industry board and was a member of the National Broadcasting Advisory Council, advising the Federal Minister on the establishment of Ethnic Radio and SBS television in Australia.

He has received numerous community and international awards for promoting multiculturism in Australia and was awarded one of five young Australians of the year.

Anthony has published several books including his latest, The Entrepreneur, which focuses on how to achieve financial independence by implementing his PICA management process.

His PICA Process consists of Planning, Implementation,

Control and Analysis relating to business, family and individual lifestyles. This he believes has been the cornerstone of his success and believes that efficiency, productivity and profitability can only be achieved by adopting this process.

His forensic accounting practice, situated at 16 Gilbert Street, Torquay has expanded rapidly over the past five years due to his philosophy that you cannot solve a problem unless you understand the problem. This is the core principal of his Forensic Accounting practice.

Anthony Cerantonio has published several books including his latest, The Entrepreneur.

Therefore, Anthony says it’s critically important that the “AS IS Structure” is clearly documented before recommending a “To BE Structure” taking into consideration asset protection, tax minimisation, family and business budgeting, wealth creation and succession planning.

Unfortunately, too many businesses are not structured properly resulting in payment of excessive tax and more critically, risking the loss of the family home and business assets.

Anthony is also associated with Small Business Restructuring Specialists and is an advisor to the Small Business Association of Australia. He combines his experience and skill to assist Businesses who have large debts with the ATO in relation to GST and Income tax to restructure their affairs to dramatically reduce GST and Income tax debts.

Anthony is concerned that small business will experience difficult times during the next five years due to high inflation, interest rates, cost of living and most important governments unacceptable high debt levels.

Therefore, unless small business and their respective advisers change their attitude to structure their affairs for the purpose of asset protection and tax minimisation and adopt proper management principles they could not only lose their business but more tragically their personal and private assets including their family home.

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