The health benefits of owning a dog

If you own a dog, you know just how valued and loved they are as a family member, but have you ever thought about all the health benefits you are gaining from them also?

There are obvious fitness benefits from increased physical activity, including taking your dog out for a walk and the throwing of a ball to them.

Dogs are the best motivators to get moving, no matter what the weather is, and get us out of the house.

Along with physical benefits, dogs bring us great social connections; there is nothing like a dog to get a conversation started. In our ever-growing digital world, having these personal interactions is so important.

The feeling of unconditional love, having someone to listen to your every word, and being able to just sit and pat your dog all contribute to feeling happier, fighting depression and a healthier mental state of mind.

Did you know that just seeing your dog can increase oxytocin levels – the “feel good” chemical in the brain?

Growing up with a dog will actually decrease your chances of developing allergies as an adult and children can also develop greater empathy when growing up with a dog.

Dog owners often have better cardiovascular health and healthier blood pressure, with fewer doctor visits when compared to non-dog owners.

So if you need help deciding on which dog is the right one for you then give us a call at the Torquay and Surfcoast Veterinary Clinics on 5261 4137.