Helping you manage the changes of pregnancy

July 24, 2019 BY

Postural changes and weight gain are obvious during pregnancy - less so are the effects of hormonal ligament softening.


Pregnancy can be simultaneously the most beautiful and dreadfully uncomfortable period in a woman’s life.

In fact, 50-80 per cent of women report experiencing significant back pain during pregnancy. Studies have also demonstrated the long-term consequences of pregnancy-related pelvic-girdle and back pain – in some cases, affecting women for several years after giving birth.

It should come as no surprise that a woman’s body changes dramatically during pregnancy, all in order to accommodate a growing foetus. Postural changes and weight gain are obvious; less obvious however, are the effects of hormonal ligament softening – with the added pressure of teeny-tiny feet jammed in between
your ribs. This all culminating in additional pressure on already stressed muscles and joints.

Osteopaths treat the body as a whole – understanding the important relationship between the structure of the body and the way it functions. Treatment during pregnancy is no different.

Osteopathic treatment aims to assist the body in adapting to pregnancy-related changes, using safe and efficient techniques. Treatment focused on ensuring optimal pelvic and lower back mechanics are essential in assisting your body in its natural ability to change and support you and your baby throughout all stages of pregnancy.

Recent studies have demonstrated the efficacy of osteopathic treatment during pregnancy. When combined
with education and exercise, osteopathic treatment has been shown to halt and prevent worsening of pregnancy-related pelvic and lower back pain.

Osteopaths are also able to work within your larger pregnancy-healthcare network, liaising with GPs, midwives,
pelvic floor physios and pain physicians.

But wait, osteopathic care doesn’t end once baby has arrived! Once your GP gives the all clear, treatment can help to restore and maintain optimal pelvic mechanics post-birth, as well as alleviating the new aches and pains that come with breastfeeding posture, lifting and holding baby and awkwardly manoeuvring car capsule and

So, come and see us at the Health Creation Centre – no matter what stage of pregnancy or early motherhood.