HIGH FIVE MAKE UP who’s who winners

November 23, 2017 BY

Geelong Gallery director Jason Smith announced the five winners of the 2017 Who’s Who Portrait Prize last Friday.

The winners were selected from more than 1,500 entries by students from 32 schools and three adult education institutions across the City of Greater Geelong.

They were Molly Mitchell-Tavener from Bambini Early Learning Centre, Regina Waldock from Geelong Baptist College, Wyatt Eddy from The Geelong College, Marcelle Pulleine and Alicia Mitchell both from Clonard College.

This annual exhibition of the work of local students honours JF Archibald, after whom the Art Gallery of New South Wales’ famous portrait prize, the Archibald Prize, is named.

The Who’s Who Portrait Prize aims to encourage and inspire young artists to celebrate local or regional identities, their personal histories and achievements through portraiture.

Judged by Geelong Gallery director Jason Smith, Geelong Gallery senior curator Lisa Sullivan and Geelong Gallery educator Gail Frost, the entrants were judged on three key criteria – the student’s expression of individual artistic intention when creating their portrait; the student’s ability to explore and manipulate different materials and use multiple techniques when creating their portrait; and the student’s ability to capture the characteristics, personality and/or identity of the sitter.

“We were delighted with the number of entries received in this year’s Who’s Who Portrait Prize,” Jason said.

“Judging the prize is always a challenging exercise, however, we all agreed the winning entrants reflected their subject and understanding and enthusiasm for portraiture in their work.”

The 2017 Who’s Who Portrait Prize is on display throughout the region over the next six weeks.

Head to geelonggallery.org.au to find a participating school or institution or to vote in the Who’s Who Portrait Prize People’s Choice Awards.