Horse and rider: massage helps you move in unison

August 1, 2018 BY

It is common for horse owners to have their horses massaged every four to eight weeks, but we often end up forgetting to treat ourselves.

There is a great debate on whether horse riding is classed as a sport or not.

In my opinion, it is most certainly a physically demanding sport.

It uses almost all muscle groups throughout the body even to the tiny muscles within your hands.

It is common for horse owners to have their horses massaged every four to eight weeks, but we often end up forgetting to treat ourselves.

Not only do riders suffer but also the grooms and anyone doing stable duties will feel some sort of pain and tightness.

Horses are unpredictable and can weigh over 650kg, and injuries will inevitably occur.

Being injured is something every rider experiences at some point during their sporting career or life.

It is common that you feel stiff and sore from a fall, a pulling horse, a refusal to jump, or even just doing your stable duties. Massage has proven that it can help to reduce your recovery time, restore normal function and get you back in the saddle faster.

Massage treatments are enormously helpful in releasing strained back and leg muscles as well as stiff necks and shoulders. Using many massage techniques, key leg and back muscles can relax, and tension in the thigh, pelvis and lower back is released helping to keep you injury free and allowing you to once again work in harmony with your horse.

Don’t neglect yourself and ignore your tightness until you are no longer comfortable in or out of the saddle.

A rider’s problem often becomes an issue for the horse and any stiffness within the rider is then passed directly onto your horse influencing how they move and perform. Massage can dramatically improve your balance in the saddle, increase your competitive edge, become more flexible and body aware and also allows you to be more in tune with your horse.

If you are one of the many horse riders within the Bellarine, feel free to give The Health Creation Centre a call and one of our lovely staff members will be able to get you back on track.

Emily Machar is a remedial massage therapist at The Health Creation Centre in Ocean Grove.