Runners are susceptible to an iliotibial band-related injury, especially if you are in training, due to high mileage, different paces and overuse.
You’re training for your next fun run or marathon and halfway through the run you experience some pain on the outside of your knee, what is it?
This pain could be coming from your iliotibial band (ITB). You have probably heard of this word before but don’t really know what it is.
The ITB is fascia, that connects, stabilises and protects muscles. The ITB runs from the outside of your pelvis down to the lower outside of the knee, to the top of the tibia (lower leg).
Runners are susceptible to an ITBrelated injury, especially if you are in training, due to high mileage, different paces and overuse.
When the ITB becomes inflamed it creates friction against the top of your tibia which causes the pain you felt mid-way through your run.
The problem with an inflamed ITB is that it will gradually get worse if you don’t fix it.
Yes, rest will help but it may not be enough and you will probably start noticing pain even when you aren’t running.
Massage is a great way to encourage blood flow to area, help stretch and release the ITB. Deep tissue massage into the ITB band, stripping along the muscles either side will helped release the band itself and maybe less painful then jumping on the dreaded foam roller and rolling it out yourself.
Your therapist can also incorporate different modalities into the treatment such as dry needling or cupping if needed.
If you are experiencing pain on the outside of your knee make sure you come get it looked at, as it could be coming from a muscle weakness in your Hips, Gluts or Hamstrings. Here at the Health Creation Centre our therapist can write up an exercise plan especially for that tight ITB and help you get back out there doing what you love, running.