Learn how to live longer in your community

A SPECIAL positive ageing forum for seniors, their friends and family members will be held in Portarlington next week.
Attendees will be updated regarding the My Aged Care home-based service system, which is designed to support older people to remain living independently at home, and will hear from the recent experiences of a local service user who has accessed the scheme.
My Aged Care’s aim is to enhance greater consumer control of services, with service users deciding what services they require to match their individual needs.
Organised by the Bellararine Aged Care Association (BACA) and Staying-in-Portarlington (SIP), and supported by the City of Greater Geelong as part of the October Geelong Seniors Festival, the forum will be on Monday, October 23 at the Bayview Room, Parks Hall, from 2pm to 4pm.
BACA and SIP encourage existing and potential service users from Portarlington and neighbouring Bellarine townships to not miss out on this free informative session, which will include a time for questions and afternoon tea.
Numbers are limited and therefore registrations are essential – phone SIP Secretary Chris Kelly on 0438 404 867 to register your place.
The next forum in the series will be held at the Point Lonsdale Bowling Club on November 13 from 2pm to 4pm. Bookings essential.