The not so pawsome heat

February 2, 2018 BY

As temperatures rise, here are some tips to keep furry friends safe and comfortable in the heat.

1. Limit exercise and don’t let dogs over exert themselves by exercising at the coolest times of the day and avoiding hot surfaces like asphalt, sand and decking. Check if surfaces are too hot by using the “seven-second rule”: place the back of your hand on the surface, if it’s too hot for your hand, it’s too hot for paws! If your dog refuses to sit, lay down or walk when you ask them to, it may be that the ground is too hot.

2. Provide shady areas to protect your pooch from the harsh sun and consider giving them access to the indoors on scorching hot days. Keep them well hydrated with unlimited access to cool, fresh water.

3. Never leave dogs in cars, not even with the windows cracked or water in the car. Dogs become heat stressed, distressed and can lose their lives in seconds. Dogs on ute trays should always have a mat or surface that doesn’t get hot and be given shade and water.

4. Refrain from muzzling dogs on hot days and never use booties on your furry friends as dogs cool themselves through their mouth and paws.

5. Signs of heat stroke can include excessive panting, rapid breathing, discoloured gums, vomiting, reluctance to move or instability. Veterinary advice should be sought immediately.

6. Have a bushfire/emergency plan that includes your pets! Prepare an emergency kit containing tinned food, bottles of water, foldable bowls and towels. Check your dog(s) are micro-chipped and registered with council and have identification collars on them at all times.

I hope these quick tips help you and your canine buddies stay cool for the rest of summer.

For more great hints and tips visit The Animal SuperNanny Facebook page or

Please seek appropriate professional advice for your dog(s) from your veterinarian.