Pets are welcome at Lendlease villages

Lendlease Retirement Living’s Abervale and Tannoch Brae villages in Geelong welcome over-55 residents alongside their beloved family pets.
Australia has the third highest pet ownership in the world, which often causes heartache for retirees looking to downsize.
Unfortunately, many discover during the relocation process that a number of retirement villages have a “no pets” policy.
Abervale and Tannoch Brae are two over 55s communities in Geelong that not only welcome residents but their beloved pets, which has proven to be a massive drawcard for residents.
Tannoch Brae residents Brian and Julie Brylow said the fact they were able to bring their Burmese cat was a major factor in them choosing the village.
“We wouldn’t have gone anywhere without bringing him,” Ms Brylow said.
“We were so pleased when the Village Manager told us the village was pet friendly.”
Both villages boast expansive gardens and large independent living units; a key reason pets are welcomed in these communities.
Residents benefit from having a pet, with research showing animal ownership encourages people to get outdoors and interact with others more frequently.
Studies have also shown pets encourage physical activity and have a direct link between increased life satisfaction and lower levels of loneliness.
Steve Howarth, Lendlease Retirement Living General Manager (VIC) said that allowing small pets into Lendlease’s Geelong villages was an important lifestyle consideration and means future residents and their favourite furry friend can feel at home.
“Moving into a retirement village is a big move, made harder if you can’t bring a much-loved pet.
“We’re thrilled we can offer this pet policy living option to our residents at Abervale and Tannoch Brae,” he said.
To discover more about Lendlease Retirement Living, phone 1800 550 550 or visit