Pre- and post-surgery approaches to WELLBEING

September 12, 2018 BY

Myotherapy treatments have the ability to help minimise the pain and discomfort during pre-surgery and will ultimately aid you through the recovery stages of postsurgery and rehabilitation.

Surgery is quite debilitating for some, both in the preand post-surgery stages.

It’s common that during these stages, you’ll suffer from high levels of pain and discomfort associated with joint mobility.

This can often lead to prolonged inactivity, potentially resulting in muscle atrophy in the areas where the pain is most prominent and the muscle is least used.

Muscle atrophy is where a muscle begins to waste away, most commonly after insufficient use or injury, which will increase the time it takes to recover from surgery.

Myotherapy treatments have the ability to help minimise the pain and discomfort during pre-surgery and will ultimately aid you through the recovery stages of post-surgery and rehabilitation.

Myotherapy assists in maintaining a sufficient amount of joint mobilisation, keeping you mobile with minimised pain and discomfort and therefore less likely to become sedentary.

Non-invasive techniques including deep tissue massage and dry needling, supported by prescribed exercises are used to target the muscles around the affected area, lessening the impact on the skeletal system.

Surgery typically involves the disruption of the surrounding muscle tissue within the area of the surgical site.

Myotherapy assists in advancing the regeneration of the affected muscle tissues by promoting blood flow to the area and enhancing the rehabilitation process.

Rehabilitation for a full recovery can take anywhere from six to eight weeks.

Within this time frame, other areas of the body may be impacted from compensating for the effected site.

It is highly important you stick to your recommended treatments – not only treating the affected area, but also treating the imbalances put on the body throughout this time, prior to it becoming painful.

To ensure a smooth run through your surgery and your ability to bounce back to life on the most optimal level, or to perhaps even avoid surgery, why not see a myotherapist.

Summer Spikers is a myotherapist at The Health Creation Centre in Ocean Grove.