Support your body as you age

December 20, 2017 BY

In my line of work, far too commonly I hear arthritis or age used as acceptable reasons to feel limited on a day-to-day basis.

I meet people who believe “there’s nothing I can do” and put up with pain and stiffness.

Over time they see those daily limitations increase.

I am here to say with confidence that there is plenty that can be done.

Every birthday is a gift. After all, what’s the alternative? I am yet to meet a 90-year-old who didn’t still feel 30 at heart.

Unfortunately, there are times when they feel a mismatch between their mental and physical abilities.

Our bodies tell the story of the lives we’ve led, be that an amateur sports career, physically demanding job, genetic predisposition, or accidents and injuries, we will all eventually show some signs of wear and tear. These are the signs of a life well lived.

Osteopathic treatment isn’t about magically reversing years of enthusiastic wear and tear (no one ever regrets that ski trip from 30 years ago).

It’s about making sure that your body is supported in the best possible way to maintain mobility and strength.

This includes experienced hands-on treatment to reduce muscle tension, improving function and lubrication of arthritic joints, specific home exercise prescription, and advice on the best activities to improve your flexibility and posture.

At Quay Osteo, we want to hear your story and learn how we can help you feel physically able to keep doing what you love.

Golf, grandkids, travel; you’ve waited a long time for the freedom of retirement. How can we support you to help you enjoy it?

For more information on Quay Osteo, visit or call 5215 1106, located at 29 Boston Road, Torquay.

Laura Walsh is osteopath and director at Quay Osteo.