Surf Coast joins Localised revolution

August 22, 2018 BY

James Baird and Cr David Bell met with Richard Blackley and Fiona Campbell from The Sands Resort Torquay to celebrate the Localised initiative that will give local business the chance to network.

On August 31, the Surf Coast will join the Localised movement with an official launch taking place at The Sands Torquay as part of the Geelong Small Business Festival.

Localised Meetups bring together localsuppliers and local buyers from across the Geelong and G21 region to network, connect and build meaningful business relationships
and thanks to a partnership with the Surf Coast Shire, residents across the coast will now be able to do the same.

Surf Coast Shire Mayor David Bell said the council had been keeping an eye on the Localised Meetups in Geelong and had decided it was the right time to bring it to the shire.

“We’ve got the population growth so if we can help keep people employed within the shire that’s great. This is one of those opportunities to say buy local,” Cr Bell said.

“We’re putting businesses in touch with other local businesses – by 2030 we need to find a couple of thousands extra jobs to keep people in the shire employed, anythin that will help that is perfect.”

Cr Bell said the Surf Coast Shire’s economic development team urged themto put money towards the project which would allow businesses to attend the event for free.

“We put up the subscription so it makes it free for our local businesses to actually be a part of what I think is a great initiative. It fits well with the G21 GROW program and Give Where You Live Foundation for Geelong regional employment opportunities.

“It’s going to take a little while to get it in and get people thinking local that we don’t need to go outside.”

Amy Gibson from Localised, which provides and manages the digital platform, said more than 100 local Surf Coast businesses had already joined Surf Coast Localised prior to the official launch.

“Businesses across Torquay and the Surf Coast are invited to our next Localised Meetup on August 31 at 9.30am at event sponsor Peppers The Sands Torquay,” Ms Gibson said.

“As part of the Geelong Small Business Festival, we’ll be officially launching Surf Coast Localised together with the Surf Coast Shire.

“Businesses who come along will have the opportunity to network, pitch their business to the room and find out how Surf Coast Shire, the local trader groups, and Localised are working together to connect local businesses.”

To register to attend the free event head to GeelongSmallBizFest or for more information go to