
U3A helps students click with the joy of computers

September 26, 2018 BY

U3A tutor Tim Kottek talks computer tricks with Sherril Lawson.

Sherril Lawson is one of the many local seniors who have signed up with U3A SurfCoast for personal help to learn more about using computers.

“Computers can be lots of fun once you know what you are doing,” Sherril said.

“I have been working with a tutor for three weeks, and now I know how to access and store information, and I have the confidence to get online to do my banking, go shopping and even play games.”

U3A SurfCoast has been appointed as aNetwork Partner in a federal government program called “Be Connected”.

This program provides self-paced learning modules to help older people become more confident to use their computers and tablets.

These units will be supplemented by personal help from U3A tutors.

Eight tutors have volunteered to work with local Seniors individually or in small groups, based on personal interests and needs.

Lessons for some learners will start with basic information about how to use a computer, while others may be more interested in storing photos, family history research or using social media such as Facebook to keep in touch with family and friends.

“Most learners will feel confident after three or four sessions,” tutor Tim Kottek said.

“But we can keep going for as many weeks as people need.”

U3A will keep the names of interested people on a wait list, and contact them as soon as a booking becomes available.

Classes will be held in the new U3A office in the Senior Citizens building in Price Street Torquay.

The program will be officially launched on October 19 at a “Get Online Day to be held at the Kurrambee Myaring
Community Centre in Merrijig Drive.

Tutors will run three demonstration sessions. These will cover the “Be Connected” modules; using Google to get information; and connecting with our regional library.

These presentations will be supported by practical work where participants will access the internet with help from the tutorial team.

A light lunch will be supplied, so registration is essential.

You can enrol online or at the U3A enrolment day at the U3A office on October 12.

For more information, head to u3asurfcoast.org.au or phone the Be Connected co-ordinator on 0419 578 598.