U3A opens doors

April 18, 2018 BY

Ok, let’s walk down the corridor and see what’s happening.

It’s Monday morning. Open the door and you will find Creative Writing with tutor John Bartlett. Heads will be down pens moving quickly across the page.

Occasionally the writers will glance to an antique vase in the middle of the table, an antique vase that is inspiration for the day’s stories. Think of that antique vase. What might you write?

You may think “I cannot write stories or poems”.

Many of the group felt this at the beginning but decided to give it a go.

With the atmosphere created by John and a wonderfully supportive group many members have tapped into their creativity.

The course has been described as the room of unexpected words.

The participants will tell you that it has indeed been unexpected to see what they have written.

John Bartlett is a published author who connected to U3A to meet people who share his love of literature and writing.

It’s Wednesday. Opening another door leads us into Unlocking Life’s Code: DNA and the Future. An intriguing title. Associate Professor Bill Shaw will share with you how the discovery of DNA in the mid 20th century has led to understanding heredity and hereditary diseases and the development of products such as insulin.

Oh you’ll learn much, much more. As you opened the door you will have noticed participants listening intently to Associate Professor Shaw, an expert in Plant Biochemistry.

He first presented this popular course at his local U3A in Tasmania at Port Sorrel. Now also living in Torquay, he has generously offered it to U3A Surf Coast.

There are many more doors to open to stimulate your mind and exercise your body.

Come and join the U3A Surf Coast community. You’ll be warmly welcomed.

For full information on Term 2 classes, beginning April 23, go to u3asurfcoast.org.au or phone 0435 374 139.