VITAL DOME INFRA-RED THERAPY can treat many ailments

September 19, 2018 BY

Infra-red therapy uses far infra-red light, a natural ray emitted from the sun, that has the perfect energy to increase cell vigour and optimise growth.

Medical Skin Clinic Australia has an extremely popular new Vital Dome infra-red therapy with clinically proven results for pain, sleep, recovery, slimming and detox.

Infra-red therapy uses far infra-red light, a natural ray emitted from the sun, that has the perfect energy to increase cell vigour and optimise growth.

It specifically heats the body’s deep tissues, muscles and organs, plus stimulates sweat glands in both adults and children.

This heat increases metabolism, opens blood vessels, causes sweating and boosts the immune system, a response that continue for three-24 hours after the therapy session.

The results of these changes are numerous, including pain reduction, relaxation, sleep improvement, post sports recovery, increased burning of calories (up to 600kcal or a 2 hour run per 40 mins), improvement of cellulite, removal of toxins and restoration of the acidbase balance.

It increases oxygen and nutrients to skin, Infra-red therapy uses far infra-red light, a natural ray emitted from the sun, that has the perfect energy to increase cell vigour and optimise growth. tissues and muscles improving muscle fatigue, cellular rejuvenation, recovery and relaxation. It also treats sprains, neuralgia, bursitis, muscle spasms, joint stiffness and several other musculoskeletal discomforts.

General health and wellbeing is improved with reduced levels of cortisol and increased levels of the happy hormones serotonin and endorphins. It can improve BP and lower stress levels and induce sleep and relaxation.

Skin can also benefit with collagen and elastin stimulation, reduced wrinkles, firming and purification. It can help relieve problems such as eczema, psoriasis, wounds, sunburn, burns, acne and cuts.

The vasodilation can help arthritis, sciatica, back ache, hemorrhoids, nervous tension, diabetes, Varices, rheumatism, tiredness, cramps, menstrual pain, oedema, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and leg swelling.

The Vital Dome is better than conventional saunas as the body can be heated three times the amount without increasing the ambient temperature resulting in better heat tolerance and 2-3x more calorie consumption. You lie with your head outside so you do NOT inhale the toxins being released, plus it aids the removal of fat and a wider amount of toxins
(10 per cent in comparison to 3 per cent in conventional saunas) including heavy metals, sulfuric acid, sodium, ammonia, dioxins, uric acid and cholesterol.

Recommended Treatments:
Minimum one session a week, maximum four a week. Can have daily if treating a specific flare-up of a concern. Medical Skin Clinic Australia is at 160 Surf Coast Highway, Torquay. Visit or phone 5261 6171.