Well-designed Tomb remake a breath of freshair

Tomb Raider offers gritty fight scenes, fast-paced action and some intriguing and well-designed tombs.
Based on the video game franchise of the same name, Tomb Raider follows the exploits of crafty and reckless Lara Croft (Alicia Vikander).
Still struggling to come to terms with the disappearance and presumed death of her father, Lord Richard Croft (Dominic West), Lara embarks on a journey to find his last known destination.
Along the way, Lara will uncover ancient mysteries and encounter dangerous forces as she slowly morphs into the eponymous Tomb Raider.
After several disappointing adaptations of other video games as of late, this film was a refreshing breath of fresh air.
It had what I wanted to see in an action/adventure film. Gritty fight scenes, fast-paced action and some intriguing and well-designed tombs.
There were a few tid-bit references to the games scattered throughout the film that fans will be able to pick up on and appreciate.
Alicia Vikander does a good job as Lara, being tough and smart, whilst also displaying a vulnerable side to the character. She shows just because you can get beaten down, doesn’t mean you can’t get back up again.
Not all the side characters were as developed as Lara, though some did have enough to them that you could at least get a little attached to them.
The plot itself wasn’t anything groundbreaking, but it was entertaining and I can say I had fun watching it unfold.
If you’re a fan of the previous 2001 film adaptation with Angelina Jolie, then I feel I should give you a warning: this film is more intense and a bit scarier than that one.
Overall, Tomb Raider was certainly an enjoyable film. Seen as it was both a video game adaptation and a reboot, that’s saying something good. It’s nothing spectacular, but you’re sure to have a fun time with it.