What is a Carbon Project Developer, and, do I need one?

Director of Carbon Farmers of Australia, Louisa Kiely, says that they have world-leading methods so that farmers can earn a decent carbon dollar.
THESE questions and more will be answered at the National Carbon Farming Conference & Expo, held August 5-8 in Albury.
Many people are interested in the ‘Carbon Job’ and what it can mean for them, with many questions abound and there are few options for education.
For the latest information and a pathway to decision making, key agricultural stakeholders should attend the National Carbon Farming Conference & Expo.
Director of Carbon Farmers of Australia, Louisa Kiely, says that they have world leading methods so that farmers can earn a decent ‘Carbon Dollar’.
“I get many enquiries from overseas asking how we got this going,” Ms Kiely said.
“The National Carbon Farming Conference & Expo brings together all of the major players and project developers, so come along and ask them all the hard questions.
“Millions of dollars are being earnt in carbon and there is huge potential for farmers to enter a new and large market.”
The Conference will answer such questions as:
• It’s complex and complicated, right?
• Are there $$ in it?
• What’s this about a ‘method’? Why do I need one?
• Which methods are good for my farm?
• They say I need a ‘Carbon Project Developer’ – do I?
• If so, what do I need to ask them to get a good outcome?
• How do they work?
• Can I be my own Project Developer, or can my Farmer group manage it?
For those who attend the Conference, the aim will be for them to gain confidence in their understanding of the Carbon Farming System.
Carbon Farmers of Australia are members of the Carbon Market Institute (CMI) and proud hosts of the 2019 – 9th National Carbon Farming Conference & Expo – Gateway to cutting edge knowledge and entry to carbon farming for trade.
For any questions or more information please contact Louisa Kiely on 0417 280 540 or go to www.carbonfarmingconference.com.au.