

November 14, 2018 BY

ABOVE: One of the images featured in Aerial Perspective - Victoria’s Surf Coast is this view of last year’s Falls Festival in Lorne. LEFT: Three years ago Karen Pegg, left, and Lindy Lee began capturing the region from the skies, on November 16 they launched their second book, Aerial Perspective - Victoria’s Surf Coast.

The women (both in their early 60s) released their first book three years ago covering Geelong and on November 16, launched the second instalment of their Aerial Perspective series covering the Surf Coast.

“Aerial Perspective – Victoria’s Surf Coast took a year because we wanted to get various seasons and events over the year. “We covered the Pier to Pub, Falls Festival, the Cadel Evans bike race and various surfing events at Bells Beach,” Lindy said.

“It was an overview of the Surf Coast shire and some of the lovely patterns and changes in the farmland over different seasons. I love the freedom you feel flying, you feel really special being up there, it’s not something everybody is able to do.”

Karen said as an artist and sculptor, she took a photography course to capture images of her works to send to galleries, and that evolved into a passion for photography itself.

“I was flying in a window seat looking down at the landscape and was fascinated by the colours and the patterns. I’d done a photography course and thought how could I enhance the photography side of things?” Karen said.

“I came up with this idea of doing an aerial photography book around Geelong, you don’t often see images from the air. You see drone shots but nothing like the images we capture.”

Karen said they went for a test flight and opened the door of the plane while she was strapped in, she put her foot outside to steady herself and began capturing the images.

“I normally don’t like heights, but up in a plane it’s very different. Once the doors open, I just start photographing. I don’t worry about where I am, I have total trust in Lindy’s flying ability.

“The Surf Coast is so spectacular, it’s hard to choose a favourite image. You feel so privileged to be up there, it’s very exciting. We’re old chooks (in our early 60s) that followed a dream.”

To purchase the book online or to view a selection of the images, head to aerialperspectivebook.com.